Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dear El Paso

Dear El Paso,
I've been in my hometown for nearly two months and it's funny how so much changes and still how so many things stay the same. The two things I've noticed most though is that people forget, and they forget a lot.
Gratefully, I've been blessed with a memory (not as good as Mormon's, but pretty darn close!). I've been able to remind people of better times and even cause a few smiles that might not have been shared otherwise. With this great memory though comes the problem of remembering great betrayals . . . .
When I was younger someone close to me did something inappropriate and basically got away with it, but rather than learn he stays in his own harmful ways of repeating the past. Though I've forgiven him, he's never actually asked for forgiveness and until he does full forgiveness can't truly be given. Sadly, this man refuses to listen and I don't know if that has to do with my age, my attitude, or my gender, but whatever his reasoning in staying bitter and acting sweet I can't say. I did mention I wouldn't cry at his funeral and I honestly won't, we all die, but if he doesn't change or bother asking for forgiveness in the proper manner I won't shed a tear when he passes through the veil to the other side. On the other side of the veil he'll have to deal with his wife and though I don't know what she'll say I know she'd agree with me being that she was my shield, my foundation, and my hope for a better world. She allowed me the opportunities growing up to help make me who I am today and I know that it is because she loves me that I'm protected by her and all of her family is on the other side of the veil. I don't know when I'll see her again, but I do know that she makes sure that I am always learning and have opportunities to better the world and myself in marvelous ways.
As for the things that have changed my sister in the past year has attained two stations that I can't wait to one day share with her (considering all goes well) and that's being a wife and soon she'll be a mother. She said I'll make a great aunt and my self proclaimed title is Auntia (because Tia in Spanish is Aunt and we're a Mexican/Spanish/Irish blend predominately) and I can't wait!!!! This morning I watched her say good-bye to her husband who works in the Army and it was in the quiet moment when I should've been sleeping that I saw a sweet, gentle exchange of love I can't wait to one day have with my future husband (I don't know when that'll be, but it will be great).
Life will always be there to challenge us, but we ultimately choose how amazing life will or will not be by being whom the Lord needs us to be in this time and age of the world.
I know that families are for eternity and we're given two on this Earth: the one we're born into and the one we create,
and I leave you with my testimony of the family as the central unit because each of us matter and Christ died for each of us so that we could have the better part, an opportunity to live with Him once more,
and I write these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Dear San Antonio :)

To my Friends all over, but specifically to the Hospitality of my Texan home state friends. Thank you for the reminder of why I love being a Texan Southern Belle in the Southwest Region. I love that no matter where you go you can always make a new friend. Thank you for the love and that's why I love being a MORMON WOMAN.
Being a young adult in an ever changing world is never easy, but it's always worth it. I can't help, but think that there are always going to be places, to see, and new things to try.
I love all of the friendships that will never end (that's why you're my family, and I love you!). I love all of the new beginnings from joining a singles ward (especially of the young adult variety!), and I love every single's ward I've ever had the honor of being a part of. I thank the San Diego YSA regional activity planners for always being on top of your game and listening to us, and for always moving towards improvement of our people (so that we can one day be and have the opportunity to truly lead the nations through our volunteering efforts), and I'd also like to thank the families and leaders and helpers who always put up with us when they could be having more fun doing something or being somewhere they'd rather be on Christmas, New Year's, and after all of the dances.
I'd like to take a moment and thank you for reading and supporting our endeavors for truly creating a better nation, a better place, and most of all families worth always being a part of.
I love that we are always willing to help, and we would like to further the kingdom by being asked of more things in our lives because of we say no to something you have every reason to ask why and get an honest answer. Talk to us and ask those difficult questions and help us while we are young adults and you'll create a better world for your grandchildren (our children) and so forth. We can strengthen you as you we are strengthened. So open your mouths a little more, but always remember to listen twice as much as you talk (otherwise you're not using your senses very wisely and need to work on listening and doing more than just being boastful or prideful in your endeavors. So if you have righteous pride you honestly are able to be confident and not overbearing and that's called humility.
So your assignment if you choose to accept it is this: Read the beautitudes (Matthew Chapter 5 of any New Testament version) and choose which one you'd like to be remembered for and then go and receive those blessings by accepting the challenge to be more meek in nature, or maybe you need to be a better peacemaker, and just go and do it. Don't expect a reward of an Earthly nature because that's counting your chickens before they hatch, so if you want a family go and date those whom you actually would like to marry one day. If you want a better work environment go and get that promotion by working the ranks and becoming a CEO or whatever is the highest position you can achieve. If you honestly want to work with cars then go and become the world's best automotive engineer. I know of a few amazing people and the world always needs those who are willing to do a little more in life. So go and do something today that matters by being in the right place at the right time! :) Which to me is anywhere that you can feel the love of God.
P.S. Add me on Facebook and I'll write on your wall. Tell me when your birthday is by leaving your number on mine and I'll call and sing you a special birthday song, and if you're bilingual leave the languages you're willing to teach me and I'll try singing you a song in your language come Christmastime (so if you love Christmas just ask for Feliz Navidad on your birthday and it'll become a new holiday in my birthday book because it's YOUR DAY :) so look for Ashley Hernandez Jurado (Chalupa Pancho) or just send me an email @ belugawhale27@gmail.com and I'll reply once I get a good answer. So ask a question and you'll get an answer from a Mormon Woman seeking the best hometeacher ever (and I think I know who he is, so let's see if he's right about me the way I think he is!)
So drop me an email with the following information and I'll send you an origami card for your birthday and Christmas (they're original and like snow flakes, all different, but equal in beauty).

Address (email or actual)
Phone Number
A Question (if you'd like an answer)
Favorite Colors (for your cards)
Favorite Food (just to add something truly your own on that card!)
Three Favorite Things about you (anything: Flowers, Movie, etc.)
One thing you will never change about yourself (sign that as your name and I'll address the blog to you by titling it as Dear Sunny Sunflower or whatever the case may be :) and I can't wait to respond!)

So I'll start with my info so you can find me (you have my name, email, and I'm working on the phone number currently) , so my question to you world of the internet is this:

If a cheesy burrito and a chalupa wearing a pancho meet and go on a date, where do they go for the after party? (So if you have an answer respond in the following fashion Dear Cheesy Burrito or Dear Chalupa Pancho, I am the Chalupa and my friend is the Burrito (and he's a Man, and I'm a Woman. So address appropriatetly and we'll decide what worth posting on this blog. So please refrain from using foul language. If you wouldn't want to hear it from a teacher or a student it's inappropriate behavior and will not be tolerated, so please use clean language always.

So there's your question and here's the rest of the info:
My Birthday is December 15th (I"m currently 21 :) Super excited about that!!!)
Favorite Colors: I do enjoy the colors of the rainbow, but my two favorites are Red and Green
Favorite Food: Anything really (if I can cook it, then you know it's gourmet jajaja :)
Three Favorite Things about you: Flowers: Sunflowers (Autumn touch of Gold are definitely the specific favorite) Movie: Ever After Book: It's a tie with the classics of Little Women and Black Beauty (both are amazing and being a "Jo" in the world and being a member of a beautiful gender I am color blind in that sense, and I'm a member of the Relief Society Organization in case you're curious about that go to LDS.org or MORMON.org for more information and read Daughters in my Kingdom (it's worth it and the artistry that went into it's making is one of a fine art, storytelling).
One thing you will never change about yourself: My Quirkiness, and that's because as a Left-Handed Viola-playing Mormon Woman life has never been easy, but it's always been worth living. For this validation (a great short film on Youtube by the way!) I am always grateful to know that I am a Woman who has found favor in the Lord's sight and for this I fight for everyday: EQUALITY.

I may be an Independent Woman, but I always choose the better part. For this reason I will be working on a Laptop and not a TABLETOP anytime soon. For this reason you will never hear foul language leave my mouth, but you may get the worst guilt trip of your life if I feel you are being dishonest or untrustworthy (so don't you dare mess with this Southern Belle, or I just might do something you'll regret and turn you down for a date in front of the entire city). So don't ask for what you can't handle because if you remember the rules for wishes you have to remember this single quote by Victor Hugo, "to love and be loved..." and I add is the reason to choose each day to smile, to laugh, to dance, to walk, to talk, and anyother appositive you can think of!

So today is Monday and I choose to spend it with my new Ward Family this evening. It's part of the three day process; Saturday is for preparing (since our Sabbath Day is Sunday), Sunday is for Sacrament Services and Socializing Appropriately, and Monday is our Family Day (so we spend it with people our own ages if we're in a YSA ward or with our families by just actually being around our families and starting with a song and prayer, sharing a short message, singing a few songs (if we choose to), playing a game or a few (and snacks always!), and then closing with a prayer.

It sounds simple enough, but as school, work, and life always chooses to interrupt us, we make the choice to choose the better part by knowing our FAMILIES MATTER. In case you didn't know the great Sister Brown (currently in San Diego on a mission with Elder Brown!) she once shared something in our relief society that I'd like to share with you now. You get two families in this Earth life and those are the one you're born into and the one you create. So remember to live by abstinence and be there when it matters (by having chosen to remain clean, pure, and chaste!) and by living the law of CHASTITY always by being loyal when you do decide to marry. So loyalty before and after marriage is how you keep a marriage together. My beehive teacher (Currently she is named Sister Bower(s), not sure about that S . . .  gave me two tips when I was twelve about choosing the man to be married to and that was this: "Marry your best friend and watch how he treats his mother." (In case you weren't there for this lesson as it was just me and her for sometime due to travels and my age, you can cite that as the former Sister Boatright, who in my opinion is one of the most amazing Mothers I've ever had the pleasure of knowing and growing up with. As a single mother she was able to do so much, and with a family that continues to grow and flourish in the Gospel I'm proud to have had her as a friend, sister, and mother (because in case you don't or didn't know my mom can't always be there for me, but she's still my mommy and I'll always love her. Wherever she may be because she is willing to let me live my life in the way that I choose to, and for this reason I'm grateful to a firstborn daughter in America and know I come from lines of greatness, nobility, and of beauty. I'd like to thank any women who had the pleasure of shaping my views of family by allowing me to be a part of theirs anytime I didn't have anyone close enough to turn to. So to my primary leaders all of you including Sister Johnson who helped with music time by conducting and to Aubrey for being an amazing pianist!, to any teachers or helpers, and to anyone in my wards who have had the opportunity to see me grow from the time I was born until now, thank you for always believing in me and making me truly a fearless fighter of the family. To the young women's program and for all of the personal progress that truly goes into making us the best Member Missionaries (by knowing education, family, and careers are important and in THAT order for the reason that we are the nurturing touch that will allow all the nations to turn to us as BEACONS of TRUTH and as Sisters who turn into Wives who turn into MATRIARCHS, we matter to each other and to the world) and we'll send the world HIS TRUTH by living it "at all times, in all things, and in all places!" (Look up the young women's theme at Mormon.org or LDS.org and you'll find the scripture reference if you want to know how to cite that properly later if you wish to quote it.) To the RELIEF SOCIETY Organization, I'm proud to be a fellow SISTER IN ZION because it's as we strengthen our STAKES, by living our TESTIMONIES that we truly will be able to be a guardian of our HEARTHS (as well as our hearts!) and be truly living as ANGELS by making anything and everything a thing of BEAUTY. We, as women, are living reminders that not only do we matter, but we are always worth preserving because if our men are good men they will always choose the best part (that fruit at the VERY TOP, somtimes called a STAR!) and always be willing to share at all times because we're willing to find the best and help our friends do the same (as well, by finding great compatible matches, but always looking and going on double dates with two if not three of our best friends and introducing you at DANCES (where my parents met!) and hoping to one day receive the invitation that says you are INVITED! (So as a single lady always willing to dance alone, it's always nice to have a dance partner who is willing to be a shield of faith, speak truths with you anytime of the day, and also waiting on the sidelines with that single tear always falling waiting to be asked to dance because that's all you really want, someone willing to take iniative and just ask you to dance for once.) So to any wedding I am invited I will dance, but I'll always want a plus one (so either let me bring a friend who is awesome or I'll just dance alone always waiting, hoping, and dreaming of that amazing hometeacher who is always willing to be there if he can make it.) I only go where I am invited and welcomed in because I know where the Spirit of God is found and it's in the hearts of those with pure intent. Those who build up Zion and are always willing to make the world a better place just by knowing the difference between a hug and a smile.
If you can tell a smile from a "smile" you know it's in the EYES. So either look a woman in the eyes always, or you're just lusting after what you could have, but are incapable of achieving by not opening your mouths or asking for a dance. So here's to playing slow dances always at YSA events because it allows us to actually see who you really are. So thank you Andrew, Kurtis, and Landon (Miles too!). For always being a great dance partner and to John, Verl's little brother, for helping me learn from some of the best dance instructors I know Verllyanna, you are truly some of the best people in our ward in San Diego! I love you and your families for always being kind and considerate and thank you Carson's for Thanksgiving. I've always wondered why San Diego felt so homey and you finally gave me the faith to know it's truly always going to be okay, the hope to know the future is not only worth fighting for (but it's worth being about 1400 miles eastward from), but worth living for because Moroni chapter seven is my favorite chapter, but 2 Nephi 2:25 is my favorite Mastery Scripture thanks to one of my seminary teachers (the father of a best friend in one of my home stakes!), and to my second seminary teacher you're great too, and I'd like to thank your husband for being the Bishop when I was baptized at eight (it's my little sister's birthday which makes it even more special now!).

So to anyone willing to read and comment thanks for taking the thing that is the greatest commodity these days: TIME.

Thank you for reading,
the girl with fire for hair and a living heart to match,
a mind like a gem (peculiar, but amazing!),
and a soul that isn't leaving this life alone :)

P.S. You're amazing and I'm proud to call you a member of my family anytime or day of the year!

P.P.S. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The past will always be the past, if you could change it, WHY?
The past led you to where you are today, but today determines where you will be tomorrow.
If you had the opportunity to change any moment in history, would you?
I would change what I do today because that's the only event in history I actually have control over.
As neat as it'd be to save Amelia Earhart, as scary as it'd be to survive Pompeii, or any other disaster for that matter, what would today be like if yesterday didn't happen?
I can't tell you because that is why yesterday mattered.
So if you choose to remember yesterday with a pessimistic attitude wondering why life is so miserable, then what will you do today to make tomorrow a better day?
1) Smile (life is always going to be kinda terrible, but it takes true effort to wear one of these day in and day out when life doesn't go the way you planned.)
2) Hug a TREE! (Yup, I'm a tree hugger, and the funny thing people are living family trees. They're like the trunk and their ancestors are the roots, and their posterity are the branches, leaves, and definitely the fruit!)
3) Write down how today went. (It's amazing that when you get the chance to go back and say wow, this day was incredible and even though you may have forgotten it days, weeks, or months later when you read how great that last day was you just might want to make it better by doing something today!!!)
So that's advice from Chalupa Pancho, and be sure to smile, hug a tree, and write down your experiences because you matter, your life matters, and I hope you always REMEMBER that!